Flooding, in its many forms, is one of the biggest risks affecting Runnymede and Weybridge, and tackling this was one of my first pledges to residents when first elected in 2019. It is essential that we work together and work all year round to address the risks and progress the measures which can reduce the local flood risk.
When discussing flooding risk most people immediately think of the River Thames Scheme. The River Thames as it runs through Runnymede and Weybridge is on the largest area of undefended, developed floodplain in England. The floods in 2014 highlighted the extent of the risk from flooding residents and businesses face each year, and it is essential that work is urgently progressed to reduce the risk to our communities. A public consultation on this has now concluded and work on the planning application is progressing.
However we must also work to address issues including surface water drainage, sewage flooding and flood insurance.
I have:
- Worked closely with residents groups to ensure our communities concerns on flooding issues are heard
- Brought together organisations to collectively tackle flood risk, including Government departments, the Environment Agency, local authorities and utility companies
- Pressed for progress on the River Thames Scheme, to ensure the protection it offers can be delivered for residents
- Explored new ways to mitigate surface water flooding, including looking at possible improvements through planning and infrastructure design
- Tackled sewage flooding, supporting greater duties and accountability for utility companies
- Organised a flood conference in Runnymede and Weybridge to ensure these issues remain high priority for all involved.