I recently held a meeting with flood groups and residents concerned about flooding and river maintenance issues in Runnymede and Weybridge at St. Paul’s Church in Egham Hythe.
Residents from across the constituency are passionate about maintaining and clearing up our waterways and ensuring the best protection from flooding. I thank Elliot and Alex from the Environment Agency for the area and Andrew from Surrey County Council for attending to help answer questions and share best practice advice.
The main topic of discussion was how local residents can get involved with cleaning up our rivers and surrounding area including what they can and can’t do, what permits are required, what invasive species need special care and attention, and what the EA and SCC can do when this is raised with them.
I also thank local resident Jean for agreeing to coordinate those who would like to volunteer to help clean up our beautiful waterways. If you would like to get involved with this, or raise a concern to me to take to the EA/SCC, or have any other concern regarding flooding, please do get in contact with me at [email protected].