This Flood Action Week (22-28 November) the Environment Agency is urging people to be aware of flooding risks and protect themselves and their properties from possible flooding.
Flooding is one of the greatest risks we face in Runnymede and Weybridge, and as we head into winter many residents will again be dreading rising river levels and flooding affecting homes and businesses. While we all hope this will not be the case this year, it is right that everyone is prepared should flooding occur.
The Surrey Flood Alleviation Scheme will go a long way to address these risks, but as a major infrastructure project will take some time to transform our flood protection locally. In the meantime it is essential that everyone continues to identify and address the risks of flooding.
The Runnymede and Weybridge Flood Conference, taking place this Friday, will bring together major stakeholders and will set out what is being done to tackle flooding, what to do if flooding occurs, and how to get help if you need it. If you would like to attend the conference please email [email protected]. For security reasons only those registered to attend will gain admittance on the day. If you cannot attend the conference, you can catch up with what was discussed by visiting my website or signing up to my newsletter, where further details will be provided.
Above all, I would urge everyone to take the time to consider their own risk and preparations in the event of a flood - it is important that everyone knows what to do if flooding hits. To find out if you are at risk you can visit the Environment Agency webpage here. Residents should also sign up for flood warnings for their area, which can provide vital information in times of flood risk.