Supporting progress towards the rebuild of the Weybridge health centre has been a priority for me since I was elected in 2019. Having had years of engagement with the project partners, residents, and Ministers, including holding a debate in Parliament and pressing for funding to be agreed, I was delighted to see the planning application for the site formally submitted before Christmas. The public consultation for this application remains open until 22 January and is available here:
However, I have today been made aware that an objection to the plans has been received from Surrey County Council as the local flood authority, due to a lack of details about surface water drainage and sustainable drainage systems - set out in the National Planning Policy Framework as a material consideration in such applications - having been included in the plans. I am incredibly concerned that this could lead to further delays in this vital project, and would like to understand how this issue was not identified before now, given the application has already been subject to Elmbridge's pre-application advice process.
I have written to both Elmbridge Council and NHS property Services regarding this matter, requesting they provide swift answers and hopefully reassurance on this matter.
Given Elmbridge planning department is already facing significant questions over it's performance, following the failure of the Elmbridge Local Plan, and the cost and impact on our communities this will cause, this latest issue raises further questions over the ability of the Council to deliver its core duties for residents. I have therefore also requested to meet with the leadership at Elmbridge to discuss this, once the information requested has been provided.