Dr Ben Spencer MP today submitted his latest objection to proposals for gravel extraction at Whitehall Farm which would increase noise and air pollution, damage our natural environment and increase the number of industrial vehicles travelling through our towns and villages - with an estimated additional 148 daily 20 ton truck movements should this be approved.
These plans could also undermine plans for a southern Heathrow rail link, exacerbate problems around the level crossings in Egham, as well as increasing local flood risk. Given the potential serious negative impact for residents, he also highlighted concerns over the use of a shortened consultation process for these plans. The full consultation response is available below.
Dr Ben Spencer MP said:
I fully and comprehensibly oppose plans for gravel extraction at Whitehall Farm. I want to thank local residents who have engaged with me throughout the lengthy process of opposing these plans, in particular the Residents Against Gravel Extraction and County Cllr Jonathan Hulley. I look forward to full consideration being given to the issues raised above and the serious concerns of residents, in the hope and expectation this application will be refused.